Complete this questionnaire to book your 1-hour discovery call

What is the reason for undertaking coaching- provide as much contextual details as possible. The more I have insight into your current reality, the more effectively I can coach.*
Have you engaged in a coaching relationship previously? If so, how was your experience?*
What would you regard as your biggest accomplishment in your career?*
What is the toughest obstacle you have had to face and how did you approach it?*
How do you learn best?*
What are the situations that trigger stress for you?*
Thinking of where you are in your career journey, describe yourself with 5 adjectives.*
What are the 3 changes with highest priority you wish to work on in the short to medium term?*
How motivated are you to make those changes? Rate on a scale of 1-10*
When would you like to start and would you prefer weekly or bi-weekly intervals?*
Copyright Dr. Johan Viljoen